Podcast: "What are Dreams?" With Justin E.H. Smith for The Point Audio. Listen here.
Podcast: Matthew Spellberg and Richard Sommer. The Roberts Institute of Art. Listen here.
March 10-14, 2024. "Óoskʼi MOOC Taakw.eetíxʼ: The Little Spring MOOC." Massive Open Online Tlingit Language Course, taught by Yeiltʼoochʼ Tláa, Yeidikookʼáa Dionne Brady-Howard, and Skeiwdusá Matthew Spellberg. Outer Coast Alaska Native Languages Program.
March 1, 2024. "He Killed Sleep, Sleep Killed Him: Scenes from the Night-Life of Tlingit Oral Tradition," Deanʼs Lecture, St. Johnʼs College, Santa Fe.
April 23, 2023. "Dream Sharing: A Partial History of the Communal Imagination." California College of the Arts. Watch the recording.
January 3rd-January 12th, 2023. Outer Coast Tlingit Language Massive Open Online Course. Sign-up here.
November 8th and 9th, 2022. "On Dreaming and Feasting: Hearths of Tradition in the Pacific Northwest and Beyond," UC Berkeley, History of Art Department.
September 9th, 2022. "Deikeenaakʼw, Sleep and Story," Sharing Our Knowledge Conference, Wrangell, AK. Watch the recording.
April 7th, 2022. "Dream Sharing: Greek, Haida and Shaker Examples," Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
November 15th, 2021. "He Killed His Sleep, His Sleep Killed Him: Scenes from the Night-Life of Tlingit Oral Literature." University of Chicago, Department of Anthropology.
April 16, 2021. "Cultural History of Dream Sharing," Dream Engineering Seminar Series, Media Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
December 11, 2020. "Autobiography and Tlingit Oral Tradition," New School University in Exile Consortium.
November 24, 2020. “Dreams and the Monument from Shakers to the AIDS Quilt,” Department of Architecture, The Cooper Union.
November 19, 2020. "Changing Hearts and Minds on Climate Change: A Moment for Reimagining?" Harvard Alumni Association Panel. Watch the recording.
April 28, 2020. "Landscape and Myth: Two Short Talks on Native American Oral Tradition" (with Maggie Spivey-Faulkner), Technical Landscapes Working Group, History of Science, Harvard University.
April 22, 2020. "Dream-Sharing: A History and Demonstration," Glass Department, Rhode Island School of Design.
February 24, 2020. "He Wrecked the Boat. Code-Switching and Self-Translation in Tlingit Oral Literature," Princeton University, Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication.
February 6, 2020. "Dream Parliament: An Exercise in the Democracy of Sleep," University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design.
October 3, 2019. "Oral Literature, Visual Tradition, and the Theater of Anne Washburn,” University of Massachusetts, Amherst Department of Theater.
October 2, 2019. Angel House: A Conversation with David Leo Rice and Matthew Spellberg, Broadside Bookshop, Northampton, Massachusetts.
September 27, 2019. "Some Thoughts on Teaching a Masterpiece of Tlingit Oral Literature: Robert Zuboff’s Mosquito,” Sharing Our Knowledge: Tlingit Clan Conference, Juneau, Alaska. Watch the recording.
April 26, 2019. "A Forest in a Cave: Notes on an Architecture of the Dreamlike," New Circadia Symposium Keynote, University of Toronto, Daniels Faculty of Design.
February 7, 2019. “Art and Aliveness in the Pacific Northwest,” Columbia University Seminar on the Arts of Africa, America, and Oceania.
January 30, 2019. “Dream-Sharing and the Social Imagination,” Yale University Department of Comparative Literature.
November 6, 2018. “A Parliament of Dreams,” Lecture and Workshop, Parsons School of Design.
November 1, 2018. “Portrait of the Artist, Self-Crucified: The Life and Work of William Kent,” Mattatuck Museum, Waterbury, CT.
May 9, 2018. The Best New Work: Walter Benjamin, “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,” Dramatic Monologue, directed by David Levine, Harvard University Art Museum.
March 28, 2018. Native American Studies at Harvard. Symposium, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University.
February 28, 2018. “Sleep Sanctuaries and Collective Dreaming," part of the exhibition, "Test Bed: Modern-Day Abaton,” Aronson Gallery, New School, New York.
February 16, 2018. “Dream-Sharing: A History and Demonstration,” University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Theater.
February, 6, 2018. “Dream-Sharing, Mass Media, and the Politics of Collective Imagining,” Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University.
March 16, 2017. “Dream-Parliament,” Lecture and Performance, Cabinet Event Space, New York City. With Cat Powell and David Leo Rice.
March 22, 2016. “A Parliament of Dreams,” Lecture and Workshop, Princeton University Interdisciplinary Humanities Program.
2015-2016. New Schools: Experimental Lesson Plans for the 21st-Century Classroom. A year-long pedagogical experiment conceived by the Interdisciplinary Humanities Doctoral Fellows, Princeton University.
2015-2016. Beauty and the Sacred. Lecture Series in Comparative Literature, Princeton University.
November 16, 2014. “Dream Communities,” Lecture and Seminar, Deep Springs College.
August 2, 2014. “Dreaming and Isolation,” Kluane Lake Research Station, Yukon Territory, Canada.
April 19, 2013. Inside/Outside: Incarceration and Communication. National Conference, University Center for Human Values, Program in the Ethics of Reading, Prison Teaching Initiative, Princeton University.