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I am the Dean and Chair of Literature at Outer Coast, an experimental institution of higher education in Sitka, Alaska. I oversee the school's academic program, and I co-teach its core Indigenous Studies curriculum with Yeidikook'áa Dionne Brady-Howard and Maggie Spivey-Faulkner. My scholarly research is about oral tradition, the history of the imagination across cultures, and language revitalization. I focus especially on the Indigenous Pacific Northwest and Europe, and I am a student of languages from those two regions. I am a longtime (and hopefully lifelong) learner of Tlingit. I have the great privilege of sharing the language at Outer Coast, as well as through OCʼs online courses and in the Sitka community. I am currently working on a history of dreaming—how dreams are experienced, shared, and made use of in different cultures. I have also published essays on Tlingit oral literature and Northwest Coast visual art; on the philosophy of perception; on the European novel; and on the imagination in conditions of solitude.  I was co-founder of the Native Cultures of the Americas Seminar at Harvard, and I am the creator of the Dream Parliament, a set of techniques for communally reimagining dreams that has been performed throughout the United States and Canada. I also serve on the planning committee for the biennial Sharing Our Knowledge Conference in Southeast Alaska. I have a PhD in Comparative Literature from Princeton, and for six years I taught in New Jersey prisons with the Princeton University Prison Teaching Initiative. I am an Editor-at-Large at Cabinet Magazine, and I was Guest Editor of Cabinet Issue 67, on "Dreams." In fall 2020, I was a Visiting Critic at the Rhode Island School of Design. From 2017 to 2021, I was a Junior Fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows. 

©2022 by Matthew Spellberg.

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